Participants willing to present a contribution (keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations) are asked to prepare an abstract consisting of Title (Arial 12, bold; 250 characters max.), Authors (Arial 10, underlined presenting author), Affiliation (Arial 10), Text (Arial 10; 3500 characters max.), up to 5 References and Acknowledgements (Arial 9). Abstract should be submitted as word file by e-mail to:
Amina Antonacci ( and Viviana Scognamiglio ( - Antispam AT = @
Deadline for abstract submission is August 7, 2015
Abstracts will be accepted for oral or poster presentations on the basis of a revision process by the Scientific Committee members, and acceptance will be acknowledged by September 7, 2015.
Posters will be located in the main exhibition rooms and will be accessible throughout the duration of the meeting. Poster Stand size: 70x100.
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference to present the work.
Submitted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts of the Conference.