WG 1
WG 2
WG 3
WG 4
Prof. Fabio Polticelli (IT)
Prof. Nicolas Plumere (DE)
Dr. Laszlo Nagy(HU)
Dr. Esa Tyystjarvi (FI)
H. Badri – P. Janssen – Bao-Lian Su – C. Meunier – J. C. Rooke – E. Danloy
E. Tyystjarvi – Y. Allahverdieva – M. Hakala-Yatkin – Y.Allahverdiyeva-Rinne
A. Mezzetti – B.
N. Plumeré – F. La
S. Chatzandroulis – I.
L. Nagy – K. Hajdu –
C. Carmeli – I.
A. Tibuzzi – G.
R. Frese – V.
K. Gibasiewicz – S. Szewczyk – W. Giera
K. Gibasiewicz – S. Szewczyk – W. Giera
G.L. Radu –
I. H. Boyaci
– B. Cadirci |
I. H. Boyaci
– B. Cadirci – M.Mutlu – P. Raeiatbin |
I. H. Boyaci
M.Mutlu – I. H. Boyaci
– B. Cadirci – P. Raeiatbin |
J H. Allica
A. Braun – E.Constable
A. Braun – E. Constable
United Kingdom
M. Jones – D.
Name | Category | Country | |
J. Foord | | MC | UK |
A. Antonacci | | WG | Italy |
D. Swainsbury | | PostDoc | UK |
E.- M. Aro | | MC | Finland |
F. Polticelli | | MC | Italy |
G. Rodio | | WG | Italy |
H. Badri | | WG | Belgium |
J. Hernandez Allica | | MC | Spain |
M. Jones | | MC | UK |
M. Lambreva | | MC | Italy |
M. Rögner | | WG | Germany |
P. E. Jensen | | MC | Denmark |
P. Janssen | | MC | Belgium |
U. Johanningmeier | | MCsub | Germany |
I. Petkov | | MC | Bulgaria |
B. Cadirci | | WG | Turkey |
C. Meunier | | MCsub | Belgium |
E.. Danloy | PhD | Belgium | |
F. Cleri | | WG | France |
I. H. Boyaci | | MC | Turkey |
J. C. Rooke | | MCsub | Belgium |
N. Plumeré | | MC | Germany |
Bao-Lian Su | | MC | Belgium |
K. Hajdu | | MC | Hungary |
L. Nagy | | MC | Hungary |
A. Mezzetti | | MC | France |
B. Robert | | WG | France |
E. Tyystjarvi | | MCsub | Finland |
G. Rea | | Chair | Italy |
I. Grabchev | | MC | Bulgaria |
A. Margonelli | | WG | Italy |
B. Bucur | | WG | Romania |
F. Müller | | PhD | Germany |
I. G. David | | WG | Romania |
I. Zergioti | | MC | Greece |
J. Clausmeyer | | PhD | Germany |
K. Buonasera | | WG | Italy |
L. Gheber | | WG | Israel |
M. Chatzipetrou | | MC | Greece |
O. Heiflero | | WG | Israel |
P. Mailley | | WG | France |
P. Stano | | WG | Italy |
S. Eremia | | WG | Romania |
C. Carmeli | | MC | Israel |
I. Carmeli | | MC | Israel |
J. Garrido | | WG | Germany |
R. Caterino | | PhD | Germany |
F. La Mantia | | WG | Germany |
W. Schuhmann | | WG | Germany |
J. D. Delgado | | PhD | Netherlands |
R. Frese | | MC | Netherlands |
V. Friebe | | PhD | Netherlands |
A. Tibuzzi | | WG | Italy |
G. Pezzotti | | WG | Italy |
G.L. Radu | | MC | Romania |
I. M. Cotoi | | WG | Romania |
I. Vasilescu | | WG | Romania |
K. L. Martinez | | WG | Denmark |
M. Magyar | | PhD | Hungary |
M. P. Bucur | | WG | Romania |
M. T. Giardi | | WG | Italy |
P. Bergonzo | | MC | France |
P. Levkin | | WG | Germany |
S. Chatzandroulis | | MCsub | Greece |
V. Scognamiglio | | WG | Italy |
Y. Rosenwaks | | WG | Israel |
A. Filabozzi | | WG | Italy |
A. Krieger-Liszkay | | WG | France |
A. M. Radoi | | WG | Romania |
A. Ricci | | WG | Germany |
A. Vasilescu | | WG | Romania |
D. Russo | | WG | Italy |
E. Touloupakis | | WG | Greece |
G. Campi | | WG | Italy |
M. Hakala-Yatkin | | WG | Finland |
R. Gutkowski | | McSt | Germany |
S.C. Litescu | | MC | Romania |
P. Raeiatbin | | WG | Turkey |
M.Mutlu | | WG | Turkey |
W. Giera | | WG | Poland |
S. Szewczyk | | WG | Poland |
K. Gibasiewicz | | WG | Poland |
E. Constable | | WG | Switzerland |
A. Braun | | WG | Switzerland |
Y.Allahverdiyeva-Rinne | | WG | Finland |
Udo Johanningmeier, Martin-Luther University Halle, Plant Physiology. Protein expression in bacteria and microalgae, molecular biotechnology, mutagenesis, photosystem II. (Martin-Luther University Halle)
Matthias Rögner, Ruhr-University Bochum, Plant Biochemistry. Structure, function and biogenesis of photosynthetic reaction centers in cyanobacteria (PS1, PS2). Evolution, structure and functional dynamics of cyanobacterial membrane systems (thylakoid membrane & cytoplasmic membrane). Development of technologies for the overproduction of intrinsic membrane proteins (cellular and cell-free in vitro techniques), mass production in photobiofermenters up to 25 Liter. (Ruhr-University Bochum).
Maya Lambreva, biologist, experienced in biophysical and biochemical characterization of photosynthetic reactions: registration and interpretation of prompt chlorophyll a fluorescence signal, fluorescence quenching analyses, OJIP-test, oxygen evolution in gas- and liquid-phase, photosynthetic gas-exchange, determination of oxidative stress markers and antioxidant enzymes activity. (Institute of Crystallography, CNR, Italy).
Viviana Scognamiglio, biologist researcher at Research National Council, Institute of Crystallography, Rome, Italy. Her research work is focused on the development of electrochemical and optical biosensors for agrifood and environmental protection and analyses with integrated approaches in microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, nanotechnology, biophysics. Expert in Life-time Fluorescence and Steady State Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), Fluorescence Polarization, FarUV and NearUV Circular Dichroism. (Institute of Crystallography,
CNR, Italy).
Artur Braun, surface physicist, PhD in electrochemistry.
His expertise include electrochemical energy materials and their electronic
structure and transport properties; and in-situ/operando synchrotron and
neutron methods. Current interest: 1) charge transfer between metal oxides
and proteins, biofilms, micro-organisms, and its assessment with electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy and x-ray spectroscopy, 2) making solar water splitting
devices with bio-hybrid electrodes.
Amina Antonacci, biologist, expert in protein expression and purification; plant physiology and biochemistry; photochemistry. Competence in manipulating microalga, bacteria, yeast. (Institute of Crystallography, CNR, Italy).
Giuseppe Rodio, PhD in Plant Biotechnology, employed in Biosensor S.r.l and Institute of Crystallography of Italian National Research Council as expert in the development of engineered photosynthetic biomediators, new methods of biomediators immobilization onto transducer and other support and in testing new type of biosensors.
Fabio Polticelli, biochemist, biophysicist, computational chemist. In silico study of proteins structure and function, ab initio protein structure prediction, homology modeling, protein engineering, protein (re)design, development of software tools for function prediction.
Design of site-directed mutants of Photosystem II for the development of novel biosensors for the detection of environmental pollutants.(Department of Biology, University of Roma Tre, Italy).
Eva-Mari Aro, 1. Cyanobacterial photosynthesis: biophysical measurement of electron transfer reactions (linear and cyclic), production of photosynthetic mutants, site-directed mutagenesis, novel electron transfer routes (e.g. via flavidiiron proteins), hydrogen production, Immobilization in enhancing hydrogen production, genome analysis, transcript profiling, proteome research, phosphoproteins, thylakoid protein complexes etc. 2. Arabidopsis photosynthesis: Regulation of light harvesting and electron transfer, thylakoid phosphoproteins, Photosystem II turnover, control of Cytb6f complex, Photosystem I vulnerability and protection systems. Chaperones and auxiliary proteins in biogenesis and maintenance of thylakoid protein complexes and their function Molecular Plant Biology, Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, University of Turku, Finland.
Livia Giotta, physical chemist. ATR-FTIR
infrared spectroscopy for functional studies in organic, biological and cellular
thin films assembling and characterization; active layer development and
characterization in chemical sensors; biomimetic systems (supported lipid
layers, liposomes).
Maria Rachele Guascito, Analytical Chemist.
Research interests are mainly devoted to develop new analytical methods to
use XPS
spectroscopy for innovative materials; development and characterization of
amperometric sensors and biosensors for detection of environmental and biomedical
interest substances; applications of XPS to the characterization of atmospheric
particles surfaces.
Mike Jones, biochemist, biophysicist, bioenergeticist. Experienced in structure/function and structure/stability studies of reaction centres through protein engineering, spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Experienced in study of structure and functional organization of bacterial photosynthetic membranes. Recent interests in interfacing of reaction centres with electrodes for applications in photovoltaics and biosensing.
Hanène Badri, MSc in Bio-engineering, MSc in Biotechnology, PhD student at the Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK•CEN) since 2010. Expertise in molecular biology and microbial genetics, with experience in analytical chemistry (e.g. GC/MS). Her PhD work on cyanobacteria (MELiSSA project of the ESA) entails the use of new methods including the measurement of photosynthetsis efficiency using Dual PAM, morphology analysis by flow cytometry, and the extraction and analysis of proteins using LC MS/MS.
MEng in Nuclear Energy (specialisation in chemistry), PhD in Microbiology.
Post-doctoral research in Medical Microbiology (Tufts University 1990-92, KULeuven
1998-2000) and Bioinformatics (EBI 2000-02), Assistant Professsor (UGent, 1992-97),
Projectleader at the Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK•CEN) since 2003.
Manager of genome projects on Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 and Arthrospira sp.
PCC8005. Expertise in bacteriology, microbial taxonomy, DNA sequence analysis
and recombinant technology, microbial community analysis (tRFLP), in silico
DNA and protein sequence analysis, genome annotation and-comparison, construction
of relational databases, and meta-analysis of genome data. Basic knowledge
of programming (cgi, perl, php, mysql).
Physicist. Director of the master in biological & medical physics at
univ lille 1. Interests: physical chemistry of nanostructured systems, macromolecular
aggregates, and biomolecules, at finite temperature and pressure, and under
constraints (mechanical, chemical, thermal, etc) by means of computer simulations.
The physical-chemical phenomena of interest range from supramolecular ordering
in small systems, to interfacial adhesion and aggregation, microscopic mechanics
of biomolecules, heat transport in nanostructures, modeling of nanodevices,
and more. A special interest is given to the theory and simulation of macromolecular
systems and nanostructures interacting via non covalent forces (Van der Waals,
hydrogen bond, entropic forces). From a technical point of view, I focus on
the theory, development and application of statistical mechanics, particle-based,
and coarse-grained simulation methods (Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo, stochastic
dynamics…), from both a classical and quantum-mechanical physics perspective.
Bruno Robert: Physical Chemist. Carotenoids, carotenoproteins, Reaction centres, Photoprotective mechanisms. Technical expertise: Resonance Raman of carotenoids & other pigments, and of cofactors. Micro resonance Raman, especially of living photosynthetic organisms. Broad interest in all optical spectroscopy techniques applied to photosynthesis.
Alberto Mezzetti: Physical Chemist. Type 2 reaction centers (especially Rb spheroides); photosynthetic membranes; ubiquinones; QB site (binding site of several herbicides, e.g. atrazine); carotenoids & carotenoproteins; flavonoids, polyphenols; electron & proton transfer reactions. technical skills: static & time- resolved FTIR difference spectroscopy, Resonance Raman, FT-Raman of biosystems and biomolecules. Electronic spectroscopy of isolated biomolecules. General background & interest in biospectroscopy (EPR, flash photolysis, Near IR…)
Poul Erik Jensen, Copenhagen University, Plant Biology and Biotechnology. Biochemist, molecular biologist. Experienced in molecular understanding of assembly and regulation of photosynthetic complexes. Has used and constructed mutants in plants and cyanobacteria to unravel basic mechanisms in function of photosystem I. Experienced in elucidation of biosynthetic pathways leading to chlorophyll and plant sterols. Recently we have used a synthetic biology approach to couple photosystem I to cytochrome P450s in order to create light-driven hydroxylation reactions in vivo.
Laszlo Nagy, Biophysicist; isolation and purification of membrane proteins; different absorption and emission (luminescence) spectroscopy techniques; bio-nanocomposite materials (carbon nanotubes, conductive metal oxide and polimer -RC complexes); RC-proteoliposome complexes; transmembrane proton gradient.
Melinda Magyar,
isolation and purification of membrane proteins;photosynthetic reaction center
binding procedures, different absorption andemission (fluorescence) spectroscopy
techniques; bio-nanocomposite materials (carbon nanotubes, conductive metal oxide
and polimer –RC complexes); RC-proteoliposome complexes; transmembrane
proton gradient.
Kata Hajdu, PhD student; experience – see Laszlo Nagy.
Ivan Petkov. Chemist with DSc in Chemistry. He is full professor in the Department of organic chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Sofia., Bulgaria. Research interests: photochemical and photophysical properties of organic compounds. Polymer films modified with special organic compounds for solar indicators, dosimeters, sensors for radiation, heavy metals, optical storage of information, storage of solar radiation-solar cells, photovoltaic systems, photochromic-,electrochromic-, termochromic-, solvatochromic systems, OLED systems, PDT compounds.
Nicolas Plumeré, Ruhr-University Bochum. Synthesis of soft redox interface for fast electron transfer between redox proteins and electrodes: Incorporation of electron relay and binding groups at the electrode surface for specific recognition and for controlled orientation of the redox proteins (modified via molecular biology methods) Protein and living cel microarrays fabrication: scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) for both the microstructuring of the electrode surface with the biosensing component (writing) and the signal detection (reading).
Wolfgang Schuhmann, Ruhr-University Bochum, Analytische Chemie – Elektroanalytik & Sensorik,development of reagentless amperometric biosensors. All components which are essential for the function of the envisaged sensor are immobilized on the surface of an electrode allowing their interaction as a basis for the final generation of a concentration-dependent signal. New strategies for the deposition of conducting-polymer films, pH-induced precipitation of poly(acrylate)-based non-conducting polymers. The heterogeneous electron transfer between an immobilized biological recognition element and the electrode surface occurs by using the conductivity of the polymer matrix (molecular cable) or by means of redox relays covalently attached to the polymer backbone. scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) is used as a tool for the investigation of sensor surfaces with high lateral resolution. For this glass-insulated nanoelectrodes with diameters down to 50 nm are used. For the accurate positioning of these nanotips a shear-fore dependent feedback loop is applied which allows for the secure approach to the nanotip to the investigated surface to a distance below 100 nm.
Jose GarridoTechnische Universität München, biomolecule immobilization on carbon surfaces (graphene and diamond). Fabrication of graphene and diamond-based biosensors, both amperometric and FET-based devices.(Technische Universität München)
Pasquale Stano, biophysical chemists based at the Biology Dept. of the Univ. of Roma Tre. His main interests are focused on the use of lipid vesicles as cell model by a synthetic biology approach. In particular he contributed to the development of enzyme-containing vesicles. More in general, he is interested in molecular self-organization. Technical expertise: chemical and biochemical kinetics, spectroscopic techniques (UV-Vis absorption, fluorescence, circular dichroism, infrared spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering), colloidal systems (liposomes, emulsion, micelles), HPLC.
Andrea Margonelli, chemist, expert in organic and radiochemical synthesis of pharmaceutical compounds with long and very short lived isotopes. Analytical and radioanalytical HPLC analyses and purification. Extractions and HPLC analyses of algae pigments. Expert consultant for the EU/DevCo for the bio-safety and bio-security.
Katia Buonasera: Pharmaceutical Chemist with PhD in Food Safety and Chemistry. Researcher at CNR-IC since 2009. Expert in innovative analytical techniques and biosensors. Experienced in the development of photosynthesis-based biosensors for the detection of pollutants in water samples. Skills in planning and developing research projects. Member during the period 2009-2010 of the Technology Transfer Committee, within the European Project BEEP-C-EN. Responsible for the dissemination activity and the project management.
Dr. Daniela Chirizzi has
an interdisciplinary scientific background. She has a knowledge of the most
common techniques for biomedical analysis and electrochemical techniques for
the development and characterization of CMEs for amperometric sensing detection
of analytes with biotechnological, clinical and environmental interest, as
well as on the synthesis and characterization of innovative materials: NPs,
NWs, and MTs based on metal and/or metal oxides, polymers, biomolecules and
antibacteria compounds. Also has an excellent knowledge of advanced techniques
for chemical and morphological characterization of innovative materials (XPS,
XRD, SEM and UV-vis).
Pascal Mailley, functionalisation of carbon nanotube.
Ioanna Zergioti is an Assistant Professor of Physics, National Technical University of Athens. She is active on the use of laser pulses to directly print biomolecules on biosensors and polymers on chemical sensors. Recently she is working on the direct printing and immobilisation of photosynthetic proteins for biosensors. During her PhD she worked at the University of California, Berkeley, and after her PhD she did research work at the Max Planck Institute fur Biophysikalische, and then at Philips CFT (Holland) working on “Stereostiction of passive ceramic electronic 3-Dimensional structures using inkjet and laser sintering technologies”. She has been involved in many Research projects funded by the EU as a Project Coordinator and as a Research team member, during the last eighteen years. She has more than 120 publications in International peer-reviewed journals and publications in conferences and she has contributed three book chapters on the subject of laser printing technology.
Maria Kandyla, PhD is a Researcher at the National Hellenic Research Foundation. She received her Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in 2000 and her Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University, USA, in 2006. Afterwards she worked as a Post-doctoral Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, from 2006 to 2008, and at National Technical University of Athens from 2008 to 2010.
M. Chatzipetrou is an early stage researcher at National Technical University of Athens. She received her diploma in Physics from the University of Patras in 2009 and her diploma thesis was focused on Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy. Afterwards she received her Master degree, in Micro- and Nano- devices, from National Technical University of Athens in 2011 (June) and since then she is a PhD student at the same University. The focus of her research is the laser micro-printing of biomaterials for sensors applications.
Sandra A.V. Eremia: Chemist with PhD in Chemistry and is a researcher at Centre of Bioanalysis, NIB. She has experience in developing electrochemical biosensors for food and environmental assessment. She was member in the team of 10 National Programmes and 2 European Programmes (FP6 and FP7) and now she coordinates a National Programme-Formation of Young Research Teams.
Bogdan Bucur, Chemist, has a PhD in Chemistry and a master degree in Biosensors in Environment Monitoring, and has expertise in biosensors development for food and environment analysis, chemical mediators electrochemical characterization and enzyme immobilization. He is senior researcher at Centre of Bioanalysis, National Institute for Biological Sciences, Bucharest. He was a team member in over 10 National Programmes and 3 European Programmes and scientific responsible of 1 European Programme and 3 National Programmes.
Iulia Gabriela David, Chemist with PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, has extended skills in analytical chemistry and electrochemistry, sensors development (potentiometric, amperometric), in the last years DNA sensors being her main research focus.
Bao-Lian Su, Materials chemistry, Sol-gel chemistry, solid state chemistry, bio-entities (photosynthetic species, plant cells, animal cells, bacteria, microalgae, …) immobilization by sol-gel, layer-by-layer, bio-reactors, leaf-like materials, biocatalysis, biofuel cells, Nano-bio-sensors, Cell-materials interface interaction, biomineralization.
Christophe Meunier,Biochemistry, plant chemistry, Bio-entities (photosynthetic species, plant cells, animal cells, bacteria, microalgae, …) immobilization by sol-gel, layer-by-layer, bio-reactors, leaf-like materials, biocatalysis, biofuel cells, bio-sensors, Cell-materials interface interaction, biomineralization.
Joanna C. Rooke, bio-entities (photosynthetic species, bacteria, microalgae, …) immobilization by sol-gel, layer-by-layer, bio-reactors, leaf-like materials, biocatalysis, bio-sensors.
Chanoch Carmeli, biophysics, molecular biology and nanotechnology of photosynthetic proteins. Fabrication of oriented, stable, dry and functional electronic junctions between cyanobacterial PS I and metals , semiconductor, and carbon nanotubes surfaces by covalent binding of the proteins. The oriented assembly was fabricated either by direct covalent binding genetically engineered unique cysteine mutants of PS I to metals or through chemisorbed monolayer of small connecting molecules on the semiconductors surfaces and nanotubes. Developement of PSI based FET photosensosr and photovoltaic cells.
Itai Carmeli, physical chemistry and nano techmology. Photosystem I- solids hybrid system: nano-optoelectronics properties of hybrids with metals, semiconductors, conductive carbon nanotube-and the research and development of photosystem I based photovoltaic cells and light sensors using field effect transistors. Collective behavior related to electronic and magnetic phenomena of organized super molecular assembly of biological systems, proteins and organic molecules on surfaces. Photonic band gap materials, molecule-plasmon interactions and superconductivity.
Omri Heiflero, Biochemisty, Nanaotechnology. Microalgae technology, isolation of membrane proteins, fabrication of oriented mon-multi layers, deposition of metals, forces microscopy, laser time resolved spectroscopy.
Raoul Frese: Physicist, PhD biophysics. Workgroup leader at VU University Amsterdam, LaserLab; biophysics research group, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy since 2010. Expert in molecular and supramolecular photosynthesis: natural, artificial and hybrid photosynthetic systems. Technical expertise: light spectroscopy, electrochemistry, surfaces, atomic force microscopy.
Pavel Levkin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Development of novel biofunctional polymer surfaces for studying cell-surface interactions. Superhydrophobic-superhydrophilic microarrays and micropatterns for cell screening and cell patterning applications.”
Levi Gheber, Department of Biotechnology Engineering Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Direct printing of proteins on a surface using a cantilevered nanopipette as the probe of a scanned probe microscope (Nano fountain pen – NFP). Proteins are directly delivered through the ~100 nm aperture of the nanopipette by simply contacting the probe with the surface, in ambient conditions. Protein features with dimensions as small as ~200 nm are deposited and characterized both by Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM) and Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM).
Arianna Tibuzzi,
MS in Electronic Engineering, PhD in Sensors and Electronic Devices. Director at Officina dell’Innovazione, the technology transfer and industrial innovation office of the Province of Rome. Skills and interests in chemical and bio-sensors (i.e. electronic-noses, hydrogen sensors, nanowire sensors), bio-hybrid devices, MEMS, semiconductor devices and processes, nanotechnology, cooperation projects, technology transfer, start-up companies. Four times selected by the European Commission as Independent Expert Evaluator for project proposals in the FP7 Call for SMEs.
Gianni Pezzotti, Project engineer with PhD in Sensorial and Learning Systems Engineering, expert in biosensor technology and design and fabrication of electro-optical automatic instruments.
Maria Teresa Giardi, Chemist, expert in technological applications of photosynthetic proteins in biosensors for environmental protection and analyses with integrated approaches such as chemistry, molecular biology, nanotechnology, physics, mathematics and engineering (Institute of Crystallography).
Karen L. Martinez, Copenhagen University, Nano-Science Centre. Biochemist, biophysicist. Explores innovative interfaces of newly developed nano-tools with biological samples for the development of novel biosensors to be used for pharmacological investigation and diagnostics. Emphasis is put on the exploitation of sensitive membrane proteins because of their crucial roles in numerous pathologies and the potential they represent for future therapies.
Stavros Chatzandroulis, PhD degree on “Integrated Pressure Sensors” from the Physics Department, University of Athens, a B.Sc from the Physics Department, University of Athens, Greece a M.Sc from the Physics Department, University of Athens. His work was focused on the design and fabrication of silicon single crystal pressure sensors, as well as the design of the necessary electronic interface for these sensors. He is a researcher at the Institute of Microelectronics. His research activities focus on Micromechanical Sensors and Devices and Capacitive Electronic Interface design. He has authored 40 papers in international journals and he holds three patents. He has participated in several European projects.
Radu Gabriel-Lucian, has PhD in Chemistry, he is senior researcher in Centre of Bioanalysis –National Institute for Biological Sciences and full professor University “Politechnica” Bucharest, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis. Research/teaching activity focuses on the development of new analytical methods for biomaterial and bioprocesses characterization. Biosensors development constitutes one of the main research directions. He coordinates over 45 national research project and 5 bilateral projects (between Romanian, French and Greek teams).
Ioana Iuliana Mihaela Vasilescu, Chemist with PhD in Chemistry is researcher at Centre of Bioanalysis, National Institute for Biological Sciences, Bucharest. In the last 5 years the PhD Ioana Iuliana MihaelaVasilescu has been involved in 3 European projects and l0 national projects her main tasks and, consequently achievements being: development of a chemically modified electrode for assessment of metal ions involved biological processes; development of an enzymatic biosensor for determination of polyphenols index in plant extracts; studies of metabolic pathways of peroxidative processes by fluorescence spectroscopy; structural characterization of new materials and surfaces by infrared spectroscopy.
Bucur Madalina, Chemist, PhD in Chemistry, MSc in Biosenzors for environmental monitoring has extended skills in immobilization of biorecognition elements and biosensors manufacture an characterization by electrochemical and spectrochemical techniques.
Yossi Rosenwaks, Elecrical Engineering physical electronics. Nanoscale electrical characterization of nanostrctures and devices, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), Solar Cells, Organic semiconductor devices and materials, Biological Field effect Transistors.
Philippe Bergonzo, Electronics materials, Head of the diamond sensor lab at CEA/LIST (The French Atomic Energy Commission), Fabrication of diamond based biosensors, based on electrochemical or MEMS sensing, Chemical and biological functionalisation of carbon based materials, and associated characterization.
Gaetano Campi, Physicist. Since 2008 he is researcher at Research National Council, Institute of Crystallography, Rome, Italy. His research work is carried out mainly in the material science field using time and space resolved X-ray scattering techniques. In particular, his present research interests are focused on complex structures emerging in out of equilibrium systems
Daniela Russo, Physicist, expert in time of flight and backscattering neutron scattering, small angle neutron and X-ray scattering; diffraction. Optic fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy, Light scattering. Expression and purification of proteins, protein characterization. Solid state synthesis and purification of small peptides.
Alessandro Ricci, Physicist, is expert in various X ray diffraction techniques such as Scanning X-ray nano-diffraction, X-ray single-crystal diffraction, X-ray powder diffraction. His work concerns also theoretical modeling for quantitative data analysis and software development using the following advanced tools: Object-Oriented programming, Cellular Automata – ODE – SDE – Agent Based Models.
Ivo Grabchev, Chemist with PhD in Chemistry. He is Professor in the department of “Chemistry and biochemistry, physiology and patophysiology, Medical faculty, University of Sofia (Bulgaria). His research is focused on the synthesis and photophysical investigations of fluorescent compounds used as markers or sensors, based on the photoinduced electron transfer. In particular, his present research interests are focused on investigation on the “antenna” systems which are on the bases of the artificial photosynthetic processes.
Liliana Maslenkova, DSc in plant physiology,
biochemistry and biophysics of photosynthesis, heterogeneity of PSII oxygen-evolving
and mechanisms of photosynthetic oxygen production, photosynthesis and stress,
role of plant phytohormones (ABA, jasmonates) in the process of adaptation
in stress conditions (prof., Dep. of Photosynthesis, Institute of Plant Physiology
and Genetics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Violeta Peeva, PhD degree in Plant Physiology.
Researcher at Department of Photosynthesis, Institute of Plant Physiology and
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Investigations so far are related to plant
desiccation tolerance, photosynthetic membranes, detection of cyclic electron
pathways. Experience in photosynthesis measurements, chlorophyll thermoluminescence,
photosynthetic oxygen evolution.
Touloupakis Eleftherios is a teaching assistant at University of Crete. He has graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Padova (Italy). He received his diploma (M.Sc.) and his Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Biochemistry, in 2003 and 2006, respectively, both from the University of Crete (Greece). From 2006 to 2009 he worked as Post-Doctoral fellow on the European project called Nutrasnacks (Ready-to-eat food for breakfast and sport with high content of nutraceutics preventing disease and promoting public health) at the Department of Chemistry, University of Crete. During the period 2009-2010 he had a Post-doctoral research fellowship on the European project called BEEP-C-EN (Biosensor for Effective Environmental Protection and Commercialization – Enhanced) at the Department of Agrofood, National Council of Research (Rome-Italy).
Simona Carmen Litescu, Chemist with PhD in Chemistry, and senior researcher at Centre of Bioanalysis –NIB. She has acquired extended skills in bioanalytical techniques, mainly electro-analytical and spectrochemical ones (infrared/FTIR); high-performance liquid chromatography and basics on surface analysis (AFM and XPS analysis); she developed and validates methods devoted to active compounds (active principles from plants, drugs etc) characterisation and enzyme immobilisation. She was involved in several multidisciplinary teams working in to the accomplishment of 20 different national and bilateral research projects and scientific responsible of 2 EU projects (FP6 and FP7).
Antonio Marian Radoi, Chemist with PhD in Chemistry and is researcher at Institute for Microtehnologies-Bucharest. He has an excellent experience in the field of biosensors, surface modifications, materials science and surface characterization. He has participated as team member in 2 National Programmes and 5 European Programmes, at this moment being the coordinator of a National Programme-Young Research Team.
Alina Vasilescu, Chemist, PhD in Chemistry is senior researcher at International Centre of Biodynamics, holder of a Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant (2011-2014) and Director of a Young Research Team (3 year project, started October, 2011). Dr. Vasilescu has experience in both academic and industrial research (in Romania, France and Canada) and GMP/GLP regulated industry (pharmaceutical, 8 years). Competences brought together refer to development of electrochemical sensors as well as method development and method validation for complex liquid samples, based on chromatography and other reference procedures.
Esa Tyystjärvi, Biologist, PhD in Biology is a University Teacher at Molecular Plant Biology, Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, University of Turku. Tyystjärvi has experience in photosynthesis measurements, including activity measurements of the photosystems, chlorophyll fluorescence, thermoluminescence, modelling and programming.
Fabio La Mantia, Ruhr-University Bochum, expertise in the field of electrochemistry and photoelectrochemistry, in particular analysis of electrochemical system by mean of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and photocurrent spectroscopy, intensity modulated photocurrent and photovoltage spectroscopy, and reflectance, transmittance and absorbance spectroscopy. The techniques mentioned can be used for the determination of the mechanism of sensing and determination of the limiting step for enhancing the detectability limit.
Marja Hakala-Yatkin, Biologist, PhD in Biology, is a researcher at Molecular Plant Biology, Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, University of Turku. Hakala-Yatkin has experience in photosynthesis measurements, chlorophyll fluorescence, photoinhibition experiments with both in vivo and in vitro materials and photodamage to photosynthetic systems caused by laser pulses.
Yagut Allahverdiyeva-Rinne, Biologist, PhD in Biology, senior researcher at Molecular Plant Biology lab, Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, University of Turku, Finland. She has experience in functional characterization of photosynthetic apparatus from higher plants and microalgae by applying different biophysical and molecular biology techniques. She is also involved in projects related to H2 photoproduction by microalgae, immobilization of the cells, and effect of different bioactive compounds on bioenergetics of photosynthetic
Ioanna Zergioti is an Assistant Professor of Physics, National Technical University of Athens and she has more than 20 years of experience in phenomena related to the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter and the development of laser materials processing for optoelectronics and biological applications. One of her main research achievements was the use of laser pulses to directly print biomolecules on biosensors and polymers on chemical sensors. Recently she is working on the direct printing and immobilisation of photosynthetic proteins for biosensors. She has more than 120 publications in International peer-reviewed journals and publications in conferences and she has contributed three book chapters on the subject of laser printing technology.
Anja Krieger-Liszkay: Biologist in Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) Saclay. Photosystem II, tylakoids, photosynthetic herbicides binding and action mechanisms, oxidative stress; technical skills: EPR. General interest in biospectroscopic and biophysical techniques.
Giuseppina Rea, PhD in Biology, has experience in plant molecular biology, biochemistry, biotechnology and protein engineering applied to fundamental research and technological transfer. Research activities are mainly focused on the molecular mechanisms and signal networks involved in the light events of photosynthesis and the structure/function/dynamics relationships of the pigment-protein complexes involved in these processes. These studies are mainly performed on the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides to produce strains with improved photosynthetic performance and exploit them as biological farms in nutraceutical applications, life regenerative supporting system in space research and bio-sensing elements in development of biosensors for food quality assessment and environmental monitoring.
Giovanni Venturoli : Physicist. Workgroup leader at University of Bologna, Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnologies, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Main interests: coupling between electron transfer and protein dynamics in photosynthetic bacterial reaction centers, matrix effects on photosynthetic reaction centers (bacterial, PS I) embedded into sugar glasses and dehydrated amorphous matrices, molecular mechanisms of in vitro bioprotection by disaccharides trehalose) in amorphous solids, local structure and dynamics of metal binding sites in membrane proteins catalyzing proton coupled electron transfer.
Technical expertise: time-resolved optical absorption spectroscopy, electrochemistry, FTIR spectroscopy, XAFS spectroscopy of metalloproteins.
A.W. Rutherford, biochemist, biophysicist, bioenergeticist, molecular enzymologist. Field leader in structure/function and structure/stability studies of plant, cyanobacterial and bacterial photosynthetic reaction centres both in terms of photochemistry and electron and proton transfer. Also field leader structure and function of the water oxidising enzyme with long standing interests in biomimetics and artificial photosynthesis. Good experience in applying electrochemical methods to studying proton coupled electron transfer including the use of novel electrode materials. Expert on herbicide binding and function. On-going projects actively engaged in immobilisation of reaction centres on electrodes and related electrochemical studies.
Francesco Milano, Biophyscal chemist; isolation and purification of soluble and membrane proteins; absorption, emission and FTIR spectroscopy techniques; RC-proteoliposome complexes; bio-nanocomposite materials (fluorescent quantum dots in biomimetic matrices); bioconjugation of RC with artificial organic antennas; transmembrane proton gradient.
Filabozzi Alessandra is a researcher at the University of Tor Vergata, Italy. Her expertise is on Atomic physics: infrared induced absorption (High resolution Infrared spectroscopy); Physics of liquids: structure and dynamics of simple, classic or quantum liquids (neutron spectroscopy); Molecular solids: single particle dynamics in solids containing light atoms (Deep ineslastic neutron scattering and simulation); Dynamics of water and biological macromolecule; Structure and dynamics; High pressure; Neutron spectroscopy applied to cultural heritage. “Ancient Charm “EU project; Development of instrumentation for neutron spectroscopy. Skills: Scattering techniques: Neutron scattering, Infrared spectroscopy at synchrotron. Instrumentation of neutron scattering detection.
Mehmet Mutlu, Chemical Engineer. His area of expertise include plasma surface
modification for different purposes, such as biosensors including aptamer-based
sensors, enzyme electrodes, immunosensors and DNA sensors preparation; Protein/Bacteria
antifouling surfaces; preparation of smart materials via plasma processing;
medical textiles; atmospheric plasma modified polymeric membranes and food//biomaterial
sterilization or decontamination via plasma processing.
Roberta Caterino, PhD Student,, Technische Universität München.
Expertise: The main goal of Roberta’s research project is the investigation of the structural, electronic, and electrochemical properties of molecular bioelectronic systems, composed of photoreactive proteins on carbon functional surfaces, for energy harvesting applications. One important aspect of her work is the development of advanced procedures for the functionalization of carbon surfaces (with emphasis on diamond and graphene) with several organic molecules, aiming at i) optimizing the grafting of photoreactive proteins, and ii) enabling an efficient electron transfer between protein and substrate. These hybrid systems are characterized at each step of the fabrication process by using surface sensitive techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Raman spectroscopy, x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), fluorescence microscopy, and electrochemical spectroscopy. In particular, Roberta’s work focuses on the use of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS), performed in dry environment and electrolyte solutions. STM and STS can provide both spatially- and energetically-resolved information on electron transfer processes at the protein/substrates interface.
Supervisor : Jose Garrido.
Frank Müller,
PhD Student, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
(Working group 2)
Expertise: Organic synthesis and electrochemistry. Strategies toward efficient electrical communication between enzymes and electrodes based on electron conducting molecular nanostructure as bridging units. Typically enzymes with one or more cysteine residues introduced by site directed mutagenesis in close proximity to the cofactor are exploited for the coupling to the molecular nanostructures. Self-assembly of the nanoconstruct on electrode surfaces are characterized by electrochemical methods and surface plasmon resonance. Supervisor : Nicolas Plumeré.
Ramona Gutkowski, Master Student, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.
Expertise: Deposition and modification of photocatalyst on FTO or ITO substrates via electrochemically induced sol-gel process. Evaluation takes place by photocurrent measurements and photocurrent spectroscopy.
Supervisor : Wolfgang Schuhmann.
Jan Clausmeyer,
PhD Student Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.
Expertise: electrochemical generation of functional microstructured surfaces for biomolecules microarrays. Jan combines electrochemical techniques including scanning droplet cells (SDC), scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) as well as scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) with new electrosynthetic strategies to introduce spatially restricted chemical modifications to the electrode surface. Inspired by classical protein microarrays and solid-phase synthesis of biomolecules, Jan tries to subject -all localized-immobilization, synthesis and characterization of proteins to electrochemical control.
Supervisors : Wolfgang Schuhmann and Nicolas Plumeré.
Prof. Alexander Holleitner , Technische
Universitaet Muenchen, Walter Schottky Institut and Physik-Deparment. Expertise
in nanoscale
physics, nano-electronics, -optics, and -optoelectronics, optoelectronics
of photosynthetic proteins, fabrication and optoelectronic characterization
of hybrids consisting of carbon nanotubes and photosynthetic proteins, photocurrent
studies of single photosynthetic proteins, nanofabrication techniques, including
electron beam lithography and ion beam lithography. Email :
(antispam : AT = @ )
Juan David Delgado Bogota, Colombia. 19.7.1980; Colombian citizenship.
Expertise: physics, astrophysics, spectroscopy, spectro-electrochemistry.
Supervisor : R. Frese.
Vincent Friebe 11/11/1985, Stuttgart, Germany; US citizenship.
Expertise: biomechanics, biochemistry, biophysics.
Supervisor : R. Frese.
David Swainsbury 06/01/86, Harlow, England, Citizenship: British.
Supervisor : R. Frese.